domingo, 11 de novembro de 2007

Halli Hallo

Moving on.... I've just tried to add a picture to my page layout. No success there. I need to find out why.

Long time no see, long time no write... life is too fast to register.... good sign.

There was a time where I wrote loads: long and short stories, poems, diaries... there was time to dream - to dream the life I wanted to live...
Have I got too old? Or just too busy? Too old to dream? Too busy to dream? This sounds awful.

Well, but there is loads to do. Loads of fun at work and loads of fun serious work. Here and there.
Life at home is quite busy. Mo goes so fast, grows so fast, plays and enjoys life... learns loads. Incredible, how fast!
Roland is always (always? not really, but when he wants to be) very fast.
Loads to organise, loads to do. Payment for the new flat, the everyday things, plan what we need to buy and how, where.

Time... time flies... time is money... time.
Gosh! I wish I could be more in peace with this word. Perhaps, one day? :-) A BIG LARGE SMILE.