quarta-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2011

Google LatLong: A new frontier for Google Maps: mapping the indoor...

Perdido no aeroporto? Pouco tempo pra conexao entre voos e voce nao sabe onde ir? Que tal pedir ajuda ao Google LatLong no seu celular? Veja mais informacoes e videos no blog oficial do Google:

Google LatLong: A new frontier for Google Maps: mapping the indoor...: (Cross-posted on the Official Google Blog ) “Where am I?” and “What’s around me?” are two questions that cartographers, and Google Maps, strive to answer. With Google Maps’ “My Location” feature, which shows your location as a blue dot, you can see where you are on the map to avoid walking the wrong direction on city streets, or to get your bearings if you’re hiking an unfamiliar trail. Google Maps also displays additional details, such as places, landmarks and geographical features, to give you context about what’s nearby. And now, Google Maps for Android enables you to figure out where you are and see where you might want to go when you’re indoors.